Anatomy & Physiology: Where Structure and Function Intersect

Anatomy and Physiology are two separate but intricately linked branches of biology that help us understand how this wonderful collection of cells that we call the human body, is able to function with organization and intelligence. 

Anatomy is the “what” of the body, the structures of the body: the heart and its chambers, the lungs and its lobes. 

Physiology is the “how” of the body, the functioning of the body: how the heart transports blood and how the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.  

Let’s visualize a road map (more likely Google Maps for those who don’t use roadmaps anymore). Anatomy and Physiology are similar to a map. 

Anatomy is the basic “what” of the roadmap. The structured streets, railroads, and parks that make up the map. In the same way; the tissues, organs, and systems are the structures of what makes up the human body.

Physiology then helps us understand “how” we are to navigate that map; how all the different tissues, organs, and systems interact with each other. Physiology puts life into the map. 

In Chiropractic college, we studied anatomy and physiology extensively. It is the foundation of any health profession’s education. B.J. Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic, understood this greatly: 

“Man is either well or sick. Being well, we can only study anatomy and physiology. Being sick, we can only study anatomy or pathology, or abnormal physiology or symptomatology. Pathology is but sick anatomy. Symptomatology is but sick physiology.” 


It is vitally important as a healthcare professional to have knowledge of this link between structure and function if we are to be stewards in the field of health; because knowing what the proper function of those structures are, the main objective of health can be obtained.

- Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP

Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP is a pediatric, family wellness and upper cervical specific Chiropractor. He is an active member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Dr. Jarek has postgraduate certification in Pediatric Chiropractic through the ICPA. Dr. Jarek also has postgraduate certification in the HIO Specific Brain Stem technique through The TIC Institute. Dr. Jarek is happily married to his wife Regina. They live in Youngstown, Ohio with their daughter Ruby.

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